No. 4 (2024)

Published: 2025-01-28

Current Issue

Scientific journal «Bulletin Dulaty University»

Issue schedule: quarterly (4 times a year)

Languages: Kazakh, Russian, English

The certificate of re-registration: KZ43VPY00028452 (29.10.2020)

Сertificate of JSC NCSTE: GOST 7.5-98 «Magazines, collections, information publications and GOST 7.1-2003 Publishing design of published materials and «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General assembly requirements and rules». Сertificate of JSC NCSTE

The journal accepted for publication articles to the following areas:

- technical science;

- natural science specialties;

- socially-humanitarian sciences;

- economic and environmental sciences;

- pedagogical sciences;

- philological sciences;

- legal sciences.

Current Issue

No. 4 (2024)
Published: 2025-01-28

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