Publication ethics

The requirements for editorial policy, publication ethics, review and verification of plagiarism, etc. of the journal "Bulletin of Dulaty University" are carried out in accordance with the document "Regulations on Periodicals" (approved by the order of the rector of the NAO "M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University" No. 152 dated 11/19/2020).

The editorial board of the "Bulletin of Dulaty University"Journal also undertakes to adhere to the ethical principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). More detailed information about this can be found on the official website
You can get acquainted with COPE's ethical principles by clicking on this link.

In the case of using artificial intelligence technologies in the preparation of the text of the article and its materials (figures, tables, graphic materials, statistical treatments, etc.), the author is obliged to report this in the article in the section "Materials and methods" and provide appropriate links. Links should include the name of the technology, manufacturer (copyright holder), version, date of access and application, as well as descriptions of the queries used to obtain the result used in the article.

Authors who use AI tools when writing articles must follow the principles and rules of publication ethics. At the same time, the authors should understand and take into account the consequences of using AI when preparing a scientific article. The authors bear full responsibility for the content of their article, including the results obtained using the AI tool, and are therefore responsible for any violation of publication ethics.

The authors of the article should adhere to the reliable, safe and ethical use of information obtained through AI technologies. To do this, the authors should explain in the article at what stages of scientific research and how AI technology is used, as well as provide a description of methods and methods for verifying the validity, processing and interpretation of the data obtained.

The absence of such information indicates that the author confirms the absence of facts about the use of AI technologies in the prepared article. If the facts of the use of AI tools in the article are discovered in the absence of the author's references to them, the article will be rejected from publication.

Authors, co-authors, members of the editorial board and reviewers of scientific articles submitted for publication in the journal "Bulletin of Dulaty University" should not admit the following facts of scientific dishonesty:

1) Submit for publication the results of research (theoretical, experimental, etc.) that have not been conducted and have not been received by the authors;

2) Intentionally distort research results or conceal information that affects the reliability of scientific data;

3) To assign or present scientific results or scientific ideas of other authors, without corresponding reference to their publications;

4) Include in the composition of authors who do not have a contribution to research and preparation of scientific publications;

5) To republish a scientific article under a different title without significant qualitative and quantitative changes or the use of additional scientific results;

6) Provide materials that have a negative impact on the reputation and status of the journal, as well as members of the editorial board.

7) Provide editorial board members with reviews of their own articles or articles by their students (undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students);

8) Falsify the composition of the authors of the publication;

9) Present pseudoscientific materials;

10) Transfer a scientific article to another publication without the consent of other authors and without the permission of the editorial board;

11) Transfer the materials of the article to third parties;

12) Violate copyrights and principles of confidentiality of editorial processes;

13) To manipulate citations and allow plagiarism in manuscripts;

14) Conflict of scientific interests in publications.

When these facts (or one of them) are revealed they are reflected in the official review of the scientific article. Negative facts discovered before publication are subject to elimination, correction, or the article is rejected. Refusal to publish a scientific article on ethical grounds is accompanied by the provision of a written justification signed by the editor-in-chief. If such facts are discovered after publication, the editorial board provides reasonable refutations and apologies in one of the issues of the publication.

Authors' rights

Authors submitting articles to the journal "Bulletin of Dulaty University" have the following rights:

- submit articles presenting the results of their own research or carried out with the participation of colleagues;

- to protect the copyright of the submitted article;

- receive information on the progress of the relevant editorial review of the article;

- to refuse to publish the article in the journal before making a decision on its inclusion;

- receive editorial requirements for the preparation of articles and instructions for uploading them to the online platform;

- receive a copy of the published article.

Responsibilities of the authors

The authors submitting articles to the journal "Bulletin of Dulaty University" have the following responsibilities::

- to bring the design of the article submitted to the editorial office in full compliance with the requirements of the journal;

- do not send to the editorial office previously published articles or scientific papers that have been reviewed in other publications.;

- observe publication ethics when preparing an article;

- provide links to the materials used in the article;

- to ensure the reliability of citations, results and facts given in the article;

- provide the necessary information and comply with the requirements of the editorial board during the editorial review of the article;

- to correct the shortcomings identified in the article based on the results of its examination;

- submit articles to the editorial board and carry out further correspondence through the online platform;

- pay for the publication of articles accepted by the editorial board for publication with the provision of a copy of the payment receipt;

- independently upload the published article from the journal's website;

- submit to the editorial board no more than 2 articles for each issue of the journal.

Rights and responsibilities of reviewers

The reviewer of the article submitted to the journal "Bulletin of Dulaty University" has the right:

- receive an electronic version of the article submitted for review (subject to anonymity of information about its authors);

- get a review form;

- prepare a review within 7-10 days;

- refuse to review an article in case of inconsistency of its scientific direction with the field of their research;

- receive the corrected (modified) version of the article previously reviewed by him for re-examination.

The reviewer assumes responsibility for:

- non-distribution of the article submitted for review to third parties;

- not using the materials of the article to your advantage;

- high-quality, consistent and objective evaluation of the article and preparation of the review;

- submission of the review to the editorial office no later than the deadline;

- signing the review, sealing it from the place of work and sending the electronic version of the review to the editorial office via the online platform;

- the expediency of recommendations to correct the shortcomings identified in the article based on the results of its evaluation.

Rights and duties of a member of the Editorial Board

The rights and duties of a member of the editorial board of the journal "Bulletin of Dulaty University" include:

- review and perform expert evaluation of scientific articles in the assigned sections of the publication;

- involvement of scientists and specialists for full-fledged review of scientific articles;

- participation in the formation and updating of the reviewer database for "blind" reviewing;

- distribution and popularization of the publication among scientific groups and scientists;

- development and presentation of issues on peer review of scientific articles for collegial decision;

- participation in the work of the editorial board and preparation of proposals to improve the quality of the publication.

Rights and duties of the editorial specialist

The editorial specialist (responsible for the issue) of the journal "Bulletin of Dulaty University" has the right and is responsible for:

- organization and conduct of business correspondence with the authors of scientific articles;

- interaction with the editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board on issues related to reviewing scientific articles and preparing issues of the journal;

- interaction with the Dulaty University Publishing House on issues related to the issue of the journal;

- providing information support for the magazine's website;

- collection and analysis of scientific articles and their transmission to reviewers;

- carrying out a procedure for checking articles for the presence of borrowings in them;

- monitoring compliance with the requirements for the design of manuscripts of articles for compliance with current standards (orders, regulations, instructions, etc.);

- preparation of the next issue of the magazine;

- formation of electronic versions of issues and their placement on the magazine's website;

- preparation and submission of electronic versions of metadata of journal articles to databases, including international databases;

- control of the timing of the publication of magazine issues;

- storing electronic versions of information on checking articles for borrowings and reviews of scientific articles accepted for publication.

 Rights and duties of the Editor-in-Chief

The editor-in-chief of the journal "Bulletin of Dulaty University" has the right and undertakes:

- provide guidance over the activities of the editorial board;

- determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of the editorial board;

- to form a reviewer base for "blind" review of scientific articles;

- represent the editorial board and scientific publication in government agencies, public organizations, the press, various scientific forums, conferences, etc.;

- review the draft of each issue of the publication and give permission for its transfer to the publisher;

- to monitor the quality of scientific articles included in the issues of the publication;

- conduct business correspondence on the activities of the publication with the authors, members of the editorial board and other persons related to the activities of the publication;

 - be responsible for the quality of the content, the thematic focus and the timing of the publication;

- develop and implement measures to improve the citation of the publication, enhance its image and recognition in the scientific community.
