Author Guideline
A manuscript of research article should be initial, intermediate or final results of a research, experimental or analytical activity, containing author's developments, conclusions and recommendations that have not been previously published. A manuscript of review article may include a paper devoted to the study and analysis of previously published research results related to a common title, which provides generalizing conclusions and recommendations.
Articles in the following scientific areas are accepted for publication in the journal:
- Technical science;
- Natural science specialties;
- Socially-humanitarian sciences;
- Economic and environmental sciences;
- Pedagogical sciences;
- Philological sciences;
- Legal sciences.
Frequency of publication of Journals - 4 times a year (quarterly).
Deadline for submitting an article:
- first quarter until February 25;
- second quarter until May 25;
- third quarter until August 25;
- the fourth quarter is until November 25th.
"Bulletin of Dulati University" is published 4 times a year in a network (electronic) format within the following deadlines for the publication of journal Issues:
- the first issue will be released until March 30 of this year;
- number two-until June 30;
- number three-until September 30;
- number four-until December 30.
From the period when the article is submitted to the editorial office, it is subjected to an editorial check in turn. Inclusion in the number of journals is carried out in accordance with the decision of the editorial board.
The manuscript should be drawn up on a white sheet of A4 paper with the following margins: 3 cm on the left, 3 cm on the right, 2 cm on the top and 2 cm on the bottom. Typeface Times New Roman, font size - 11, line spacing - 1.15. Information about the authors, abstract, keywords and references should be in font size of 10.
The manuscript structure should include the following items:
- IRSTI (MRNTI) index – Interstate Rubricating of Scientific and Technical Information;
- Initials and surname of the author (authors), with a separate indication of the main author;
- Academic degree, position of the author (authors);
- Affiliations of the author (authors) - the name of the university (organization), city, country;
- contact information (e-mail) for each author;
- ORCID index of authors;
- Title (title) of the manuscript;
- Abstract;
- Keywords;
- Introduction (reflection of relevance);
- Materials and methods;
- Research results;
- Discussions;
- Conclusion;
- References;
- Information of funding (if available);
- Summary information in a Kazakh/Russian: full name of the authors, affiliations, title of the manuscript, abstract, keywords. Font type is Calibri.
The IRSTI index is aligned to the left site of the page. The index can be obtained on the
The authors full names are indicated in the following sequence: initials (or First name) are given first, then the Last name (surname) (A.B. Mussabayev). Font highlighting is bold. The ORCID index is indicated next to it ( The main author must be indicated necessarily.
Information about the authors (academic degree, position, affiliation, contact information) is given on the next line in italics in center alignment.
The title of the manuscript should accurately reflect the content, be short and concise. Abbreviations in the title are not allowed. The title font must be typed in capital letters and highlighted in bold. Font size - 14. Alignment - in the center of the page.
The abstract summarizes the main essence of research, research methods, the most important results, and their significance as well as scientific and practical value. The abstract should not exceed 100-150 words. The abstract is typed in font size - 10 with alignment in width.
Keywords are used to search for an article and define its subject area. Keywords consist of individual words or combinations of words that are most used in the article. The number of keywords should not exceed 5-10. Font size - 10.
Articles should include the following items: introduction, materials and methods, research results, discussion, conclusion and references.
The introduction provides the justification of title, its relevance and novelty. The relevance of the title is determined by the general interest in degree of study of this problem, it is proved by the theoretical or practical significance of the title.
Materials and methods of research consists of a description of the materials and conditions of the study, as well as the research methods used.
The research results contain a description of the research results obtained.
Discussion of results includes the features of the obtained results and their comparison with the results of previous studies. The results of studies and their discussions are combined if necessary.
In conclusion, the results of the research are summarized.
The references is formed in the order of citing sources in the manuscript. The list of references should consist of at least 5 literature. The literature list of articles should include citation in international databases Web of Science or Scopus for the last 5 (five) years, or foreign citation of the journal, as well as a link to the "Bulletin of Dulaty University". The references should be prepared in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compiling. Examples of the references formatting are given below. Alignment is to the width of the page with a ledge of 1.0 cm. Font size - 10.
At the end of the article, summary information (title, abstract, keywords, authors, affiliations) is provided in Kazakh and Russian. The font size is 10.
Tables, equations, graphical materials
The manuscript may include if necessary tables, equations and graphics.
Tables appear in the text after the first link or on the next page. The table number is given on the left side of the page (Table 1), and the its title is in the center of the page on the next line. If the table is moved to the next page, the columns should be numbered and the continuation of the table is indicated on the next page (Continuation of Table 1).
Equations must be numbered. The equation is given with a paragraph indent, and its number at the end of the line in brackets. A free line should be left before and after the equation. Equations should be typed using the Microsoft Equation or MathType editors.
Figures (drawings, diagrams, graphs) should be indicated in the manuscript after the first link or on the next page. Figures must be prepared using computer programs. Explanatory notes to diagrams should be presented inside the diagram. Scanned images must be of high quality. The numbers of figures are indicated by Arabic numerals, the name of the figure is given in the center under the figure. (Fig. 1. Name of the figure). If there are explanatory inscriptions to the figure, they are given in the width of the page between the figure and its title.
Manuscript review procedure
The submissions is considered by the editorial board within two weeks in order to check its compliance with the requirements (anti-plagiarism check, design check, review, etc.). The uniqueness (originality) of the text should be at least 75%. The self-citations share in manuscript should not exceed 15%.
The editorial board of the journal independently sends submissions for review.
In case of a positive decision by the journal’s editorial board to accept the submission, the authors will be notified an appropriate message and details for making payment for the publication. In addition, in case of non-compliance with the journal’s requirements, the authors will be notified accordingly. The author of the accepted submission pays and sends a copy of the receipt to the editorial office. All correspondence is made through the online platform at the and by email the user manual for the platform is available on the journal's website in the For Authors.
Articles via email and Whatsapp are not accepted!
Algorithm for receiving and publishing a scientific article
Algorithm and terms of editorial work on a scientific article
Level |
Level description |
Term |
1 |
1.1 Receipt of the article to the editorial office |
- |
1.2 Technical verification of the article |
2 days |
1.3 Return of the article to the author in case of non-compliance with the requirements |
2 days |
2 |
2.1. Checking the article for plagiarism |
3 days |
2.2. A message to the author about an article that has not been plagiarized |
2 days |
3 |
3.1. Reviewing the article |
10 days |
3.2. Return the article to the Author for correction if there are comments |
3 days |
4 |
4.1 Examination of the article by the editorial board |
3 days |
4.2 Return the article to the Author for correction if there are comments |
3 days |
5 |
5.1 Review of the article by the editor-in-chief |
3 days |
5.2 Return the article to the Author for correction if there are comments |
3 days |
6 |
Assignment and registration of the article's DOI index |
2 days |
7 |
Layout and design of the article according to the template |
5 days |
8 |
Placing the article file on the website |
3 days |
9 |
Preparation of article metadata and inclusion in citation funds |
5 days |
Examples of references formatting in accordance with the requirements of
GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description.
General requirements and rules for drafting
- Reznikov A.N., Reznikov L.A. Thermal processes in technological systems. – Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1990. – 288 p.
- Krivoruchko D.V. Modeling of cutting processes by the finite element method: methodological foundations: monograph. - Sumy: University book, 2012. - 496 p.
- Bruyaka V.A., Fokin V.G., Curveva Ya.V. Engineering analysis in Ansys Workbench: textbook. - Samara: SGTU, 2013. - 148 p.
- Sherov K.T., Donenbayev B.S., Ainabekova S.S. Experimental Research of Rotational and Frictional Boring of Big Holes in Large Parts // Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2017, Vol. 47, No. 4, Р 75-85.
- Sherov K.T., et all. The method of thermo frictional processing of the plane and the design of the friction disk // Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 22998. 2010. Bull. No. 10.
Conference materials
- Ivanov E.I. Technological support for the accuracy of machining large diameter holes // Collection of scientific papers of the XI-th International Scientific and Practical Conference: Vol. 2. - Mariupol: PSTU Publishing House, 2014. - PP.113-117.
Electronic resources
- Pipeline transport [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: trubo provodnogo_transporta. Date of access: 04/20/20.
- ST RK 1733-2015. Milk and dairy products. General specifications. - Introduced 2015–01–01. - Astana: Memstandard, 2014. - 52 p.